Deze pagina's worden niet meer bijgewerkt, maar zijn verplaatst naar: https://www.vintagecameramuseum.com/

These pages are no longer updated, but have been moved to: https://www.vintagecameramuseum.com/

In Japan, after WWII, there were a lot of small camera's build. There was not much money, nor resources, so they decided to build small cameras, using small films.
One class of these sub miniatures is commonly called "Hit-Types".

Why named "Hit"?
Well, one of the first and most common names on these little things was "Hit". There are really a lot of different names, all with its subtle differences in construction. Some collectors has really shelves full of them.

This page is dedicated to the ones I own. It contains pages of the "normal" Hit camera, but also some more expensive and more rare, like the "Mycro III a"

If you want to know more about these little light traps, you can go to:

Technical details:

Company About 18 manufacturers.
Model several models with several names
miniature camera
1938 - 1955 or later
Film format
17,5 ; 20mm ; Round ; Cine-film ; 110
Negative Depending of film
Depending of type
shutter speed Depending of type
Lens Depending of type
Focus Depending of type
Focus No
Depending of type
Light Meter No
Rangefinder Yes

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